
>> Thursday, June 26, 2008

yesterday something reminded me of a small write up from Paul Coelho in which he very effectively pointed out one fact. He had apparently gone to visit some church in Peru after making a long arduous journey. When he reached the church finally, it was afternoon and since he had to leave early this was the only time he would have to visit the church. As he began to go towards the door, a watchman stopped him forbidding him to enter the church. He stated that it was not the time when the doors of the church are open. At this, Paul disregarded and ignored the watchman and opened the doors of the church. (he had only this chance to see it after a long journey)
The watchman did not do anything and Paul had the purpose of his visit fulfilled. The moral/take away was that do not give too much, undue importance to an individual's words at times.

I left a little earlier from office to finish a few errands, and visit a painting exhibition(since it was the last day for that exhibit) yesterday. I got lost and called up the gallery asking them for directions. After locating the gallery, I parked and entered the main gate. It was 3 minutes past 6 and the watchman tells me that the time is done and even though all he has to do is flip on the lights and allow me a peek, he is not willing. It is not even 5 mins past 6 o clock and added to that the paintings are still on the wall.
What is the use of this kind of time stricklerness that people use?
I can understand if I were asking for too much bother but no, it was a simple peek. No one was there as it is. But still he thought he gained that power in not allowing me to have a look at it.
It is these kind of people who I term as 'Not gates'.
Anybody who has come across this term in their physics text will understand the implication of this term immediately. They have nothing to gain out of taking a particular stand but they do it just because it gives them that importance. Sometimes of being different, sometimes of being the one to oppose, sometimes attention etc. But they just take the most opposite stand possible.

Anyways I think at times we also take milder versions of these in daily life without even realizing it. This just serves to remind me to be careful the next time.



>> Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I am a beginner watercolor artist and am extra sensitive to badly turned watercolor paintings. Now all artists in the world write about the failures that seem to be a part and parcel but no one enlightens on how they accept them. So after making a not so good tree on the weekend, I had to try and do a relatively better watercolor to kind of erase the memory of the same. But due to time constraints, I could just start one of them, could not finish it. So ofcourse the only finished one was the terrible tree. Anyhow, I had time and I browsed around the WWW for more tips and such and saw so many paintings that I think I can actually again begin right away.
Looking at them made me wonder at a wonderful gift that we all possess - Imagination.
I mean I saw the one of the artists who I like a lot for her style of art- could make a regular day scene look so picturesque without actually adding anything extra but just using the right mix of colors and strokes. I envy that ability.
Ofcourse I have been told that females are better at it than the males. This is because whenever I describe my erstwhile wishes or dream , I have at times vivid details of the colors, smells and in all the whole experience.
I have been told that I dream to such an extent that if the real thing actually happens and if one of the components(like the smell) was not up to my imagination it takes something away from the fun of it all. But frankly, what is the fun if you do not go the whole long way!!!!

I think it is imagination/ability to make those castles in air which actually help one away from the boredom of mundane tasks.


Theory on Corporates

>> Monday, June 23, 2008

I have a hypothesis ( can call it theory only with loads of experience and references added) about corporate life.
Everyone world around (except for the people themselves) complain about HR(human relations )dept. I am hypothesizing that it has something to do with the amount of Corporate karma one has accrued in Corporate life.
Like all the other things(good/satisfying work, good boss etc) this too deserves a place of it's own in the shining sun.
So if you have complains try to find out ways of doing extra corporate karma to earn these. I cannot comment too much on this as I am still learning...
But if anyone has comments on this one or suggestions please feel free to share that piece of enlightenment.



>> Friday, June 20, 2008

I actually was just visiting artist blogs and came across this beautiful poem/write up that actually got me thinking.

Lost… a Word

I lost a word yesterday,
Unguarded, from my tongue;
It slipped into the atmosphere -
Then trouble had begun.

A dozen others followed it;
They filled the room with grief,
No matter then what word was said,
It could not bring relief.

If only I had stopped that word
Before it crossed my lips,
My day had been a happy one-
And sweet with fellowships.

I think I wasted yesterday,
Hurt self as well as friend,
Today I want to watch my words,
And let not one offend.

-Gertrude McDaniel

How do we actually think?? especially when we have gone into an argument gives a lot of insight on how we actually deal with things that do not go our way.

I wonder at what point of time in an argument does the ego(or whatever it is- self righteousness, dignity, respect) actually turn the tide from the situation to what we have to say and feel at the time.. We all logically know that two wrongs do not make a right and that at times(not always) it is better to respect the time rather than one lost word. But invariably it is that lost word which gets the better of us and we loose many other words in the same stream having spoilt the whole moment in time. Then we wonder why we are not entitled to enjoying that one moment which we have lost. Here it is important to point that it is not only the person in front but partly you are too responsible in that event.

To end I will say though that in small day to day squabbles nothing beats making up nice and happy just like the cartoons!!!!


oohs and aahs

>> Thursday, June 12, 2008

Love chairs!!! hate bending down and love anything near fitting foams/matteresses

so yesterday while exercise to the tune of a exercise cd, I made a wrong move (and I knew it immediately of course) since then , i cannot sit for too long and bending is out of question.
all i got to do is "rest the back"
to know what the phrase means is sit on a pillow whole day long(even when it is a holiday)
No going out and locked in a house. ofcourse it helps that it was raining the whole time but I think I got bored and actually nagged and got myself a ride outside.
I really can understand why some older people must be loving chairs (as opposed to sitting on the ground- the traditional way in India)


Google Saree?

>> Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Can you believe, I saw a google saree today!!!
Who would buy it? I do not know whackiest costume!!! If someone still buys it who would wear it? Are some products made to shock you or are they made for other purposes(pure zeal of the inventor) A lot of paintings I know are made in that manner but this one was a new one. You could see the wikipedia print and all such web site prints. It was a Satya paul creation.


Corporate Rain?

>> Friday, June 6, 2008

I have been told that it rains in Pune (MH) only at three times on weekdays (of course since it is weather lot of times there are exceptions to this rule but all in all looking at the frequency I am beginning to believe it)
1. When people leave for office
2. When you leave for home
3. Lunch break!!!

Can we call it "Corporate Rain???"


another lesson on gas prices

Incase the prices are not yet publicized (some more discussions are going on) for Gas/ do not go for a fill up unless absolutely required.
This because a ridiculous price is charged.
If people are curious, I learnt it the hard way yesterday evening!!!


Gas Prices

>> Thursday, June 5, 2008

It is weird but the moment the gas prices are hiked, you realize which areas of life are so controlled by it. I mean everything is supposed to have become more expensive dependent on that.
If listed, it could be eatables, anything that travels from its place of production.

But the following aspect was what i learned of this time the prices were hiked:
The vending machine also does not get stocked as periodically as the salesmen cannot afford to make those refilling rounds as frequently.
That one actually is logical but still had not registered as yet as one of the effects of gas hikes.
My sister filled me on this one.

But moment the gas prices have hiked, it is always followed by a period of heated public debate on the politics of the thing. The people debating (politicos) invariably have huge rally of cars on the tax money and still go on debating on that same. Ironically we all tune in and watch the same debate. ( ia m assuming it is only the trp ratings that is the reason for these kinds of debates).



>> Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Have you noticed that whenever two spindly/wiry objects placed together in open space invariably mingle and jumble up unless ofcourse they have a physical barrier separating them.

The number of times that this will happen are really huge. Ofcourse you will figure it out at the worst possible time. But still, it is really amazing that more often than not, they will tangle.


Lesson-Discovering Muscles and their Action points

>> Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From a physiological point of view, if you follow an extensive and a full body workout after a period of sedentary (read as non exercising) period of time, you can easily point out and discover the muscle groups and actions they help in. What better manner to figure out the relation. It is an a hands on way and we can do it without any extra effort. Also it will be quite unforgettable!!!


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