
>> Sunday, July 26, 2009

Myself was on a sabbatical from the blog. The best way I can put my leave of absence. I can although say there were a lot of changes, some pleasant some not, but underlining them all was an inertia. Of not wanting to post at all which is the basic reason for me not posting but 'I am back.'

I am back with many discoveries and doings.
For one I have not browsed as much for artists but have joined a class for sketching +watercolor. There are some restrictions in them ( I am supposedly starting fromthe scartch so am following my tutor (but all the assignments are not the most interesting).Keeping faith in tutor that all in all will turn in just fine).

I found a way to bake bread!!!
yes I am actually talking about the good ol' bread.
Will post pictures of my first bread baking experiment which was made with (not so good) yeast and completed at 11:00 pm inthe night but yes it was good.

So i will popst my sketches( that is all I have been allowed to do in the class) and my baking experiements soon too.

For people who like me love to watch Discovery- Travel and Linving channel try to catch Nigella feasts and Rachen allen :Bake. Very interesting!!!


How many

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