
>> Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I am a beginner watercolor artist and am extra sensitive to badly turned watercolor paintings. Now all artists in the world write about the failures that seem to be a part and parcel but no one enlightens on how they accept them. So after making a not so good tree on the weekend, I had to try and do a relatively better watercolor to kind of erase the memory of the same. But due to time constraints, I could just start one of them, could not finish it. So ofcourse the only finished one was the terrible tree. Anyhow, I had time and I browsed around the WWW for more tips and such and saw so many paintings that I think I can actually again begin right away.
Looking at them made me wonder at a wonderful gift that we all possess - Imagination.
I mean I saw the one of the artists who I like a lot for her style of art- could make a regular day scene look so picturesque without actually adding anything extra but just using the right mix of colors and strokes. I envy that ability.
Ofcourse I have been told that females are better at it than the males. This is because whenever I describe my erstwhile wishes or dream , I have at times vivid details of the colors, smells and in all the whole experience.
I have been told that I dream to such an extent that if the real thing actually happens and if one of the components(like the smell) was not up to my imagination it takes something away from the fun of it all. But frankly, what is the fun if you do not go the whole long way!!!!

I think it is imagination/ability to make those castles in air which actually help one away from the boredom of mundane tasks.


How many

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