Went to Vaishali
>> Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Well this is a restaurant in Pune that people swear by. Not to take anything awayf romt he old landmark, it is good, but what irks me the most is that any time a normal(not-so-well-connected,knowing-all-the stewards) person goes there he invariably has to wait for ridiculous periods of time.
So once me and one of our common friends waited for 45 mins after which D declared that we have to find a different restaurant to feed ourselves(this after looking at other people feeding on the mouth watering dishes).
So we found another place but a complain remained lodged from my side on having to abandon the dinner there.
On this weekend, Dearest D finally laid down the decree, "We were going to have food at the place even if the wait was two hours" Thankfully we had to wait for only 13 mins(to be exact) and have a table to ourselves.
I have to be honest, The food was good. Also that similar food is also available now near the place I live with no or lesser wait.
So the curiosity has been quelled and proverbial cat has been let out of the bag!!!
I am planning to hit my papers and paints this weekend so more on that later. I know I should be posting my paintings soon on that.
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