Why is it?

>> Monday, August 25, 2008

We all have these moments of wondering why...
so i am beginning my "Why is it list..."

  1. Just the day you are not well and not in office is that your super boss wants to meet you?
  2. Just when you are about to cross a relatively empty road, is when a barge of traffic starts to pour in ?
  3. Just when you think you have finished cleaning is when someone will come and make footprints on the floor or some insect will come out to inspect the cleanliness making you swat it on that clean floor?
  4. Just when you want to check an important mail the internet connection conks out on you!!
I am sure there are many more in my memory and many around in other people's memories but we in listing and remembering these we forget the times when things have worked out for us at the 9th moment. Inessence, we assume that things should work out for us and in that assumption we do not really remember those things which actually worked out without a hitch!!!


How many

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