Sound effects!!!

>> Monday, August 18, 2008

I think we never truly and really appreciate the sound effects and its importance in most of the things in life expect for a music concert.
I am talking about all the films that are made. Apart from the visuals the sounds are equally important to create that atmosphere/experience. You will truly appreciate this exercise if you try and watch a horror movie with a sounds muted. It will guaranteed not deliver the blows. Similarly any drama movie without the harmonious sounds to depict the typical dilemma etc are vital for a viewer.
Even in the romantic comedies, it is the background music that seals the moment. If used appropriately it is as important to creating an atmosphere as lets say the whole filming process.
At times i feel that a wrong selection takes so much away from a moment in the film that it is then that you really begin to realise the importance of Sound effects.


How many

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