
>> Thursday, September 4, 2008

What is it about old friends getting back together after a few years of fall out that sends us back to those old boxes and wondering what we would find in them.
I am sure a lot of people have found it difficult not to hang onto old things of childhood or adolescent interests that bring that half smile to our faces and find it difficult to throw out ourselves.
I know , I have tried so many times to empty those drawers. Just empty them out since I have not even used/seen those things for over two years. But still whenever I go through them with the idea of throwing out the stuff after looking through it, I end up closing the drawer without having thrown out more than a small itty bity bag of paper and also much more time spent in looking at those things.
It is one of the things that just lies around but always brings a funny smile now that it has been lying there for so long. So many old faces caught in pictures(god knows where they all were and if they still remembered you). Those knick knacks, riedship bands, those small little cards, those hand made bookmarks, some special tickets, some small rocks taken on the first solo trip somewhere. They have the unique capability to transport you to the time where they were pciked up /gifted.
It is that box that we cannot throw out easily...


Namrata September 4, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

Its those moments that we try to cling on to for life..

i have had many such times when i have spent a whole day just going throuh the huge collection of old memories.. (which also include the chocolate wrapper; my very first proposal gift :))

How many

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