So long
>> Friday, January 21, 2011
It's been a long time since I have written anything or felt like writing.
But after half a ride round the sun( half a year) I feel it is time again to start. Lets see how long do I stick to this.
I just saw a movie-Gattaca.
It is an interesting piece of imagination of what could become of today's possibilities if they became the world and working method of tomorrow.
It is really interesting to see that if uncontrolled what could today's theories, if proclaimed as laws would become tomorrow.
We are after all people who given a choice, want the best for ourselves and there is nothing wrong with it except how far we are willing to go in that desire.
The movie is all about a boy, who was born the natural way and not genetically selected with the best possible attributes. He is termed godchild, in a world where all children are selected genetically and these children have everything predetermined. Their lives are charted out and so are their fatalities, and frailnesses. Fate is not entertained.
Much like a syndicate. This boy has a desire of being an astronaut and the syndicated world has dictated that genetically he cannot be an astronaut. So he begins his search and lives a lie, in order to reach a potential he has been denied on the basis of his genes or genetic code.
But think of it, is not today, too syndicated to an extent?
You have to be so and so, educated in so and so to be able to work, achieve blah and blah. Who gives a care about the inherent propensities that one has, the inherent desires, interests, passions and gifts. Apart from art, no field values inherent gifts a care. Even when the chances are given they are hard won.
So yes, here is to a syndicated world that we are not aware of at times only when we are at the opposite end of the syndicate. We can see this same, in societies, norms and cultures. But there is no way that a non- syndicated world would do. We love the order of a syndicated world.