A nice concept

>> Friday, November 28, 2008

On one of my blog reading trysts yesterday, I stumbled upon a nice concept one of the artists(Acuarel http://aquarel.blogspot.com/)followed. You can see it at the above mentioned link.
So back to the concept. He said that he was going to make a metaphorical representation of the most dominant mood for the day. Now to read it , it probably seems mundane, but if you have a look at the illustration that he has made for a particular mood(which I later came to know was-Finding new paths) was just so on the mark that I cannot seem to put it out of my mind.

I think everytime that I am thinking of that phrase this picture will flash thru my mind.

As for the blog I am still working on a landscape size watercolor for the name plate. Wish me luck. It is just that my bulging waist seems to take priority over the other pleasures of life at hectic times in my schedule but I aim to be back soon.


I have been away!!!

>> Monday, November 24, 2008

I know I have not posted on the blog but my butt's been traveling and suffering inthe mean time (since it is at times not parked at aplace for long time and then all of a sudden parked on seats in transportation for really long periods). Well I think I have reached the saturation point of traveling outside the city limits for some time. Ofcourse as a side effects to my social obligations and yapping tooo much my throats decided to go on strike taking my nose along with it in the mutiny(naturally i have cold and a little bit of cough to go along with it)

So I will be back with my paintings and all. Sadly, I have to make the house a little more liveable in order to even actually dig out my brushes and feel like lying painting in stead of putting things back to where they can belong and not be in the view!!!

I actually did some not-so-inspiring pineapples before I left from my travels but i am still trying to get enough courage to post them. Though they have taught me that pineapples have more brown than the yellow and green on their coat (atleast for them to look realistic)!!!


Michael Crichton

>> Friday, November 7, 2008

I too have been one of the many who have turned page after page of many of Crichton novels. It came as a shock to me to learn about his demise not because I know him personally or anything like that but more so because I did not think he was as old.
My selfish motive too in the sorrow as I know now that no more of his books will be hitting the stands any longer.
I still remember that while I was reading 'Airplane', I was at my sister's place and was getting repeatedly interrupted for small silly tasks or conversations and I was nearing the end in the book. So I actually locked myself in the restroom to finish the end in peace!!

It is that memory that struck me when D actually related the news to me.


The festival

>> Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The festival has increased my
So I think I will also be posting my efforts to resize and reshape along with my painting efforts or probably combine both!!!


Picture story

I want to

in any place but preferably
and a little bit of

But I have to

Since I have been
A LOT!!!


How many

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