Lesson: we atleast have Murphy!!

>> Friday, May 30, 2008

This weeks events have led me to realize that we should be glad that we atleast have Murphy to talk about when things go wrong!!!
I wonder who did Murphy have???

Listing things that invariably for people lead to Murphy conducive situations:
1. Travel plans/Travel agents/Travel agencies. Same applies to couriers and their ilk
2. Rebates
3. Service relating to vehicles.
4. Waiting for someone in the monsoons.

To some people the third one might seem irrelevant- be grateful to god for that.


The sea shore

>> Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is a copied study. I have been told so far my best copied study.
The digital cameras dull down the natural vibrancy of colors observed. I am trying to work around it but still am clueless.
Enjoy and let me know if you have some suggestions:



>> Monday, May 5, 2008

Above is a cafe table which I have made from an internet picture/rendering.

I like the whole 'tables on the pavement' idea from those movies filmed in France. They give such a relaxing and interesting picture where once can flip pages of a book, have endless conversatinos with a close friend or just observe the passerby's.



I htink houses of all types esp different formthe normal apartments have always fascinated me. it tlaks so much about hte living conditions and lend a huge insight into the culture of that place.

The most colorful houses in India that I have seen are in Goa. They are brightly colored and look beautiful in their surroundings.

So one of these is drawn froma prior drawing and the other is something that I made froma photograph. I need to learn some more about perspective since it would look better once it has a better perspective.


Under expert advice

These are a few more pictures which were done at the watercolor class. The bridge one was not done in the class but rather from memory. The reflections for the rocks have not come down as great but I am trying to get them right.

The other house was a decent try.

Suggestions anyone?


How many

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